Menyimpan Username dan Password Dengan S10 Password Vault

S10 Password Vault merupakan password manager yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menyimpan informasi username dan password dengan aman. Dengan menggunakan software gratis ini Anda tidak perlu lagi mengingat semua username dan password untuk banyak akun web yang Anda miliki, misalnya akun email yahoo, gmail, facebook, friendster, blog, dan sebagainya.
Tampilan dari freeware ini cukup simpel, setidaknya jika dibandingkan dengan Password Container.
Sebelum menggunakan S10 Password Vault ini pertama-tama Anda harus membuat master password terlebih dahulu.

Secara default akun pada S10 Password Vault terdiri dari beberapa kategori, yaitu Banking, Email, Shopping, Travel, Websites, dan Work. Untuk menambah kategori baru, Anda bisa melakukannya dengan mengklik kanan dan pilih menu New Folder.

Untuk membuat akun baru, pertama pilih kategori akun. Setelah itu klik kanan dan pilih menu New Account.

Salah satu fitur yang cukup menarik dari S10 Password Vault adalah Auto-type commands. Dengan fitur tersebut S10 Password Vault akan menuliskan username dan password secara otomatis pada situs yang sedang Anda kunjungi. Untuk mengaktifkan Auto-type commands Anda bisa menekan tombol Ctrl + Alt + L.

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Proxy – Untuk Sharing Internet

Teknik proxy adalah teknik yang standar untuk akses Internet secara bersama-sama oleh beberapa komputer sekaligus dalam sebuah Local Area Network (LAN) melalui sebuah modem atau sebuah saluran komunikasi. Istilah Proxy sendiri banyak dikenal / digunakan terutama di dunia / kalangan diplomatik. Secara sederhana proxy adalah seseorang / lembaga yang bertindak sebagai perantara atau atas nama dari orang lain / lembaga / negara lain.
Teknik ini dikenal dengan beberapa nama yang ada di pasaran, misalnya:
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) – istilah ini digunakan oleh Microsoft pada Windows-nya.
Proxy Server – ini biasanya berupa software tambahan yang dipasang di komputer yang bertindak sebagai perantara.
Internet Sharing Server (ISS) – biasanya berupa hardware berdiri sendiri lengkap dengan modem, hub dan software proxy di dalamnya.
Network Address Translation (NAT) – istilah lain yang digunakan untuk software proxy server.
IP Masquerade – teknik yang digunakan di software NAT / Proxy server untuk melakukan proses proxy.
Mengapa teknik proxy menjadi penting untuk share akses Internet dari sebuah LAN secara bersama-sama? Sebagai gambaran umum, dalam sebuah jaringan komputer – termasuk Internet, semua komponen jaringan di identifikasi dengan sebuah nomor (di Internet dikenal sebagai alamat Internet Protokol, alamat IP, IP address). Mengapa digunakan nomor? Karena penggunaan nomor IP akan memudahkan proses route & penyampaian data – dibandingkan kalau menggunakan nama yang tidak ada aturannya. Kira-kira secara konsep mirip dengan pola yang dipakai di nomor telepon.
Nah sialnya, (1) nomor IP ini jumlah-nya terbatas dan (2) seringkali kita tidak menginginkan orang untuk mengetahui dari komputer mana / jaringan mana kita mengakses Internet agar tidak terbuka untuk serangan para cracker dari jaringan Internet yang sifatnya publik.
Berdasarkan dua (2) alasan utama di atas, maka dikembangkan konsep private network, jaringan private atau kemudian dikenal dengan IntraNet (sebagai lawan dari Internet). Jaringan IntraNet ini yang kemudian menjadi basis bagi jaringan di kompleks perkantoran, pabrik, kampus, Warung Internet (WARNET) dsb. Secara teknologi tidak ada bedanya antara IntraNet & Internet, beda yang significant adalah alamat IP yang digunakan. Dalam kesepakatan Internet, sebuah Intanet (jaringan private) dapat menggunakan alamat IP dalam daerah 192.168.x.x atau 10.x.x.x. IP 192.168 & 10 sama sekali tidak digunakan oleh Internet karena memang dialokasikan untuk keperluan IntraNet saja.
Proses pengkaitan ke dua jenis jaringan yang berbeda ini dilakukan secara sederhana melalui sebuah komputer atau alat yang menjalankan software proxy di atas. Jadi pada komputer yang berfungsi sebagai perantara ini, selalu akan mempunyai dua (2) interface (antar muka), biasanya satu berupa modem untuk menyambung ke jaringan Internet, dan sebuah Ethernet card untuk menyambung ke jaringan IntraNet yang sifarnya private.
Untuk menghubungkan ke dua jaringan yang berbeda ini, yaitu Internet & IntraNet, perlu dilakukan translasi alamat / IP address. Teknik proxy / Network Address Translation sendiri sebetulnya sederhana dengan menggunakan tabel delapan (8) kolom, yang berisi informasi:
Alamat IP workstation yang meminta hubungan.
Port aplikasi workstation yang meminta hubungan.
Alamat IP proxy server yang menerima permintaan proxy.
Port aplikasi proxy server yang menerima permintaan proxy.
Alamat IP proxy server yang meneruskan permintaan proxy.
Port aplikasi proxy server yang meneruskan permintaan proxy.
Alamat IP server tujuan.
Port aplikasi server tujuan.
Dengan cara ini, paket dengan informasi pasangan alamat IP:port dari workstation user yang meminta servis pasangan alamat IP:port server tujuan bisa diganti agar server tujuan menyangka permintaan servis tersebut datangnya dari pasangan alamat IP:port proxy server yang meneruskan permintaan proxy. Server tujuan akan mengirimkan semua data yang diminta ke pasangan alamat IP:port proxy server yang meneruskan permintaan proxy – yang kemudian meneruskannya lagi ke pasangan alamat IP:port workstation pengguna yang menggunakan alamat IP 192.168.x.x.
Jika kita lihat secara sepintas, sebetulnya teknik proxy ini merupakan teknik paling sederhana dari sebuah firewall. Kenapa? Dengan teknik proxy, server tujuan tidak mengetahui bahwa alamat komputer yang meminta data tersebut sebetulnya berada di balik proxy server & menggunakan alamat IP private 192.168.x.x.

Faktor Eksternal penyebab sistem komputer lambat

Selain faktor internal yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, terdapat pula faktor eksternal yang dapat menghambat sistem kerja komputer diantaranya:
Tegangan listrik yang tidak stabil
Listrik merupakan faktor utama pemicu lambatnya komputer dari tegangan yang tidak stabil. Setiap komputer memerlukan adanya aliran listrik yang memadai agar dapat berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Apabila tegangan listrik rendah, komputer tidak dapat beroperasi dengan baik. Begitu pula sebaliknya, jika tegangan listrik terlalu tinggi mengakibatkan komputer akan cepat panas dan mempengaruhi komponen penting dalam komputer.
Ada kalanya tegangan listrik yang ada di rumah kita tidak berjalan stabil alias naik turun. Hal tersebut bisa ditimbulkan oleh penggunaan listrik yang bersama-sama. Misal: menghidupkan televisi, mesin air, lemari es (kulkas), dan komputer secara bersama-sama. Suatu saat mematikan mesin air yang tidak digunakan. Nah, jika kondisinya seperti itu tegangan akan mengalami perubahan naik-turun dan inilah faktor penyebab komputer dan monitor menjadi rusak.
Untuk menghindari hal ini, sebaiknya menggunakan UPS/stabilizer agar ketika listrik mati secara mendadak masih ada aliran listrik dan dapat melakukan shutdown sesuai prosedur.
Lingkungan yang berdebu
Debu dapat masuk ke dalam komputer tanpa disadari karena masuk melalui ventilasi cashing komputer yang kecil. Dan proses masuknya debu ke dalam komputer sangat lama, memerlukan waktu minimal tiga bulan tergantung lingkungan rumah kita. Meskipun lingkungan rumah sudah bebas dari debu, jangan menganggap komputer juga terjamin bersih dari debu.
Debu yang menempel pada komponen komputer dapat mengakibatkan sistem kerja komputer akan terhambat. Bersihkan menggunakan kuas yang lembut, jangan menggunakan kemoceng karena bulu-bulunya akan rontok sehingga malah memperparah keadaan.
Komputer yang bekerja makin lambat perlu diidentifikasi sedini mungkin agar faktor-faktor penyebabnya dapat diniminalisasi. Oleh karena setiap hari bergelut dengan komputer, sedikitnya harus dapat menangani sendiri jika komputer mengalami masalah. Periksa dulu apa penyebab komputer tersebut menjadi lambat, jika sudah ditemukan faktor pemicunya segera atasi sendiri sebelum meminta bantuan orang lain.

Learning More About Notebook Computers

A notebook computer is a portable personal computer that can be carried along and used almost anywhere, much like a notebook. The notebook computer typically weighs about 3 kilograms (6.6 pounds) and is small enough to fit into a briefcase. The notebook computer usually has all the functionality of a desktop, but is less powerful, more expensive, and greater portability. The first notebook computer available commercially was introduced to the public in 1981 and was named the Osborne 1. This notebook computer was understandably bulkier than the ones we get to see these days. Nevertheless, this revolutionary notebook computer -- which did not run on battery power and had to be plugged in for AC power -- took the business world by storm because of its portability, a feature that is notably absent in the heftier desktops. Then came the Compaq Portable first made public in 1983 and also ran on AC power rather than batteries. This first-ever IBM-compatible notebook computer proved to better than the IBM's own Portable Computer that was introduced a year later. The GRiD Compass 1101, released in 1982, was a notebook computer in the true sense of the term. The brainchild of William Moggridge, this notebook computer had the typical clamshell design -- where the screen folds and shuts against the keyboard -- that is now practically the industry standard. This notebook computer was not IBM-compatible, ran on batteries and had a prohibitively high price tag. As one may guess, it was used by the specific few -- mainly the military and astronauts. The Sharp PC-5000 and the Gavilan notebook computer, appearing in 1984, are also worthy of special mention. As a matter of fact, the Gavilan was the first notebook computer that was promoted as a laptop and had a cursor control device resembling a touch pad. Both had LCD screens and clamshell cases. The notebook computer called Kyocera Kyotronic, first introduced in 1983, powered by AA batteries, was a huge commercial success largely because of its portability, battery life and low price. The first true IBM-compatible notebook computer was the IBM PC Convertible, introduced in 1986 -- followed by Toshiba T1000 and T1200 in the following year. In 1989, Apple introduced the Macintosh Portable notebook computer. From 1991 on, innovations initiated by the PowerBook series of Apple became standard features in the modern notebook computer. These include built-in features like touch pad, palm rest, Ethernet networking, trackball, and 256-color displays. Then followed the Thinkpad series of IBM, which was a very popular notebook computer. Now almost an essential gadget in the business world, the notebook computer is here to stay.

Harmful Viruses And Other Malwares In Computers

A computer virus is often termed ‘malware’ because it is a type of malicious software. Other types of malware are worms and Trojans. Let’s take a look at each of these below. Viruses A virus usually arrives onto your computer hidden inside of another program which is often delivered by email attachments. It derives its name from the fact that just like a living virus, it needs a host to live and breed on. When you run the infected host program, you then launch the virus into the memory of your computer where it sets up home and waits to go about it’s intended function of destroying your files and infecting other computers. Once the virus has infected your computer it waits for the programmed trigger to signal it into action. The trigger coded into the virus and can be anything from a specific date to a set number of times it has replicated itself. Once triggered, it goes about the destruction it was designed for. It may be a simple deletion of files or pranks. It could also be programmed to destroy your operating system. Viruses are commonly spread on email attachments. This is why you should never open an attachment unless you know who it was from. The problem is that sometimes it can appear as if a virus is just an attachment from someone in your address book, so always be on alert when you get an email with an attachment on it particularly if it is an .exe file. Worms Worms work a lot like viruses do. They are also self replicating and can reproduce so fast that they can overload and shut down entire systems. The difference between a virus and a worm is that the worm doesn’t require a host to live on. A worm is stand alone malware. They also usually hitch their way onto your computer through email but don’t need an attachment to ride on. Trojans aka Trojan horses Trojans take their name from the classic Greek story for they misrepresent themselves as well. They often pretend to be something they are not. Trojans are not self reproducing like worms and viruses but they can do just as much damage. They hide on other programs and record your keystrokes and steal passwords and credit card numbers. Fighting malware It is important to stay up to date with the latest methods being used to combat malware. Your computer can be destroyed by one of these nasty computer programs or your credit card and other personal information can be compromised. For starters it is a good idea to not open email attachments to reduce your risk of picking up a virus. Use a good virus detecting program and firewall to keep the pesky bugs out of your system.

How To Go About Finding Cheap Computers

Almost everyone knows what a computer is and how to use its basic functions. Some people have their own desktop computers or laptops. Those who do not own a computer may still be able to use one by renting or using the ones in public libraries. However, there are cheap computers that are now available in the market, so it is possible that everyone and their grandmothers will be able to afford it. Computers are really amazing. The technology has evolved so much through the years. A lot of things can be done with the newest models that were not possible on the machines which were the “top of the line” a few decades ago. Give or take a few years from now, the current computers will be phased out and replaced by a more stable, more feature-packed machine. A few years ago computers were very expensive. One unit of a desktop computer in 1998 cost about $1,600. That’s a lot. Fast forward to the present. The computers in 1998 are nothing compared to the models that we have now. The machines are faster, more durable, and capable of multitasking. Imagine doing so much in so little time! To top it all off, the cost is definitely worth the product. Nowadays, cheap computers are very easy to find. Promo packages as low as $300 are not impossible to find. In fact, they are all over! You might think that cheap computers are not as good as the high-end ones, but that is not the case. You get the same functionality, durability and technology at a very inexpensive price. But where do you find such cheap computers? Stores like Circuit City and Best Buy offer packages that are very inexpensive. However, there is a cheaper alternative – shop online! There are a lot of online stores that sell either promo packages or individual hardware parts for you to assemble. Of course, that is up to you. You purchase a machine that is tailored to your own needs. These days, owning a computer is essential. There isn’t any industry that does not make use of this technology. Computers aid in learning and working. The world is a much smaller place now because of computers and the internet. There are just countless of benefits you can get from one single machine. And it does not cost much. Cheap computers are now available online. That is functionality and information within your reach.

Computers And RSIs

Part of our everyday lives, computers have evolved from a tool at work to a personal calendar, a friendly network facilitator and a necessary guide. Although computers have transformed the way we see things and understand the world around us, because their use imposes physical and mental demands on their users, it leads to several health problems, like Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs), eye strain, neck and lower back pains and headaches. I do not about you, but when I bought a year ago my brand new laptop, I was extremely interested in reading everything included in the package in an effort to take good care of my precious new possession. One of the documents the producer have included in the printed materials I opened to read, was one that directed me to follow specific guidelines on how to effectively and safely use my portable PC. Perhaps I was very lucky, as I later discovered that only recently have manufacturers been forced to include such user guides, or began making an effort to overcome health related issues and complains by introducing ergonomic products and warning labels on some equipment. This is very important, as the designers' ability to understand that users need simple guidelines in order to be adequately informed of the risks involved and trained on proper body posture, monitor height, elbows distance from the body or recommended hours of use, can prevent computer users, even young, physically active individuals, from suffering in the future. Specifically, one has to be aware of the hazards of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) to the hands and arms resulting from inappropriate use of the computer's keyboard and mice. People in a variety of professions, like musicians or chiropractics, who repeatedly exercised pressure on their hands, shoulders, and arms, and have injured their tendons, muscles, and nerves, have been reported as the first cases of RSIs victims. Unfortunately, the list is increasing today, as more and more computer users request medical treatments in order to overcome the symptoms of RSIs on their hands, wrists, arms, shoulders and necks. Medical professionals and patients have reported that tightness, discomfort, stiffness, soreness or burning, numbness, and loss of coordination or strength are the most common symptoms linked to RSIs. Since this serious painful situation is far easier to prevent than to cure once contracted, it is important for people to be educated and understand when and how RSIs can occur leaving ex-computer users permanently disabled and unable to perform simple tasks, such as driving or even dressing, without requesting help. Ergonomic gadgets, palm rests, maintaining the right posture and overall good working habits can reduce the risks associated with computer use and help young users understand how important it is to be always on alert for RSIs symptoms.